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The Ideal Day Podcast

Apr 2, 2024

I am super pumped for today’s show. We have a return guest to the show, and that is Sally Fallon Morell. 

She is the president of the Weston A Price Foundation and author of a book that has impacted the lives of millions. Nourishing Traditions has been in publication for over 25 years now and has inspired and educated millions on making better food choices for themselves and their families.

Sally was able to capture the essence of traditional ways of living and eating into this book and has created a movement and spin off movements ever since. Bone broth anyone? Came from this book. Importance of fermented food? Same book.


Connect with Sally

Sally IG

Weston A Price IG

Weston A Price Foundation 

Nourishing Traditions Book


Sally Fallon Morell | Wise Traditions Of Our Ancestors For Supreme Health

Sponsors of the show

The best binder on the market is MasterPeace.

 **Purchase link for  MasterPeace here.** 


The Detox Blueprint Facebook Group;



Adam’s Liver Flush Guide

Flush Liver Guide


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