Apr 30, 2019
In today’s show we go deep into what it means to be self-disciplined and how to become more disciplined in your day to day, whether it’s for a work, fitness or life goals.
In today’s show we covered the following;
Apr 23, 2019
In today’s show we sit down with Stefanie Sword-Williams the founder of F*ck Being Humble. FBH is changing the way we view self-promotion and helping you to share your achievements. Highlights on was discussed are below;
F*ck Being Humble Instagram
F*ck Being Humble URL
Jia Jiang | 100 Days of Rejection
Apr 16, 2019
In today’s show we talk about getting the best version of yourself when doing those long hours in the office. Highlights on what Sarah and I discussed are below;
Box Breathing App http://boxbreathing.org/
Tim Ferriss’s email System.
Cal Newport’s book, Deep Work.
Brain FM App https://brain.fm/
Apr 9, 2019
In today’s show we sit down with Comedian Tony Law. We talk about all things stand up, the processes and preparation he goes through and the skill sets he’s developed with his craft. Really open, honest and interesting conversation.
Tony Law on YouTube
Tony Law on Instagram
Tony Law’s website
Thank you so much...