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The Ideal Day Podcast

Mar 26, 2024

In this week’s show we take our next deep dive into the mind. 

How does the mind work? Why do we do things on autopilot without even thinking? More importantly, how can we reprogram certain habits that do not serve us?

I had the pleasure of connecting with Scott Lester Woods. Scott has developed his own technique for reprogramming the subconscious mind with his Superconscious coding method. 

Powerful stuff that I wanted to bring to you guys.

Check it out and enjoy the education on how the mind works but more importantly, how you can change it within literally 15 minutes.


Connect with Scott

Scott’s Instagram

Scott’s Website


Sponsors of the show

The best binder on the market is MasterPeace.

 **Purchase link for  MasterPeace here.** 

The Detox Blueprint Facebook Group;



Adam’s Liver Flush Guide

Flush Liver Guide


You can also check us out on Instagram @idealdayadam