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The Ideal Day Podcast

Oct 26, 2021

Enquire now for 1:1 Coaching with Adam


Dr. Al Danenberg or “Dr. Al” as he’s known by his friends, patients and community, consults with patients all over the world regarding animal-based nutrition, lifestyle, oral & overall health, and the importance of a healthy gut and immune system.


After a terminal cancer...

Oct 19, 2021

Enquire now for 1:1 Coaching with Adam


In today’s show we take a deep dive into the surprising health impacts of 10 everyday items you need to know about. These are items that you use everyday and are an integrated part of how we live. What you may not be aware of is how these items can be impacting your daily...

Oct 12, 2021

Enquire now for 1:1 Coaching with Adam


Is Red Meat as bad as the media makes out? Could Red Meat be a superfood with high levels of nutrition and bioavailability? Are cows bad for the environment, or can they help the environment? In today’s show we have Brian Sanders of Peak Human back on the show to discuss and...