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The Ideal Day Podcast

May 26, 2020

We all have amazing ideas, great initiatives and take action right away. But after the initial hype settles down, some can often find it difficult to be consistent and stay in flow. Eventually some can end up quitting or slowly fading it out.

In today’s show we look at why consistency is the ultimate success tool, why...

May 19, 2020

In today’s episode I had the pleasure of talking with Andy Mant, the CEO and Founder of BLUblox.

Andy started BLUblox after becoming dissatisfied with the quality and standards of blue light blocking glasses available and so set about to design lenses that math the evidence in the academic literature. Andy was born in...

May 12, 2020

In this world we live in right now, it is full of uncertainties. No wonder so many people are stressed out. Why do so many people these days appear stressed out and over anxious? 


In today’s show we are taking a deep dive into the world of Anxiety and how you can tackle it.


References from the episode;


Master Your...

May 5, 2020

In today’s episode I had the pleasure of talking with Kristen Ulmer, author of the book The Art Of Fear.


Kristen is a thought leader, master facilitator and fear/anxiety expert who radically challenges existing norms around the subject of this deeply misunderstood emotion. Her education on this subject comes from...