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The Ideal Day Podcast

Jun 9, 2020

We all view the world through our mental attitude. Is the glass half full or half empty? If that attitude is predominantly negative it can impact everything including health, career, family and more.

The good news is that with dedicated practice, you can replace negative thinking patterns with thoughts that actually help you.

In today’s show we look at why we have negative thoughts and how to rewire our brain to thinking positively.

References from the episode;

Neighbourhood, Zed Bias

The Obstacle Is The Way, Ryan Holiday

5 Tips On How to Build Your Resilience

Everyone Can Relate. How To Stop Overthinking And Start Living

The Power Of Now, Eckhart Tolle

How To Harness The Power Of Gratitude

The 8 Simple Ideas To Curb Social Media Addiction

Thank you so much for listening and checking out this episode of Your Ideal Day. 

You can also check us out on Instagram @youridealday