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The Ideal Day Podcast

May 28, 2024

In today’s show we talk about all things light. How does light impact how we feel, our energy and our overall mood? The answer is, it impacts all these things in a big way.

Daniel is the founder of one of my favourite blue light blocking companies, Lichtblock. My home is covered in their blue lighting solutions which gives my body the right environment to relax and get deep restful sleep in the evenings. They also have an awesome range of blue light blockers which I also highly recommend.  

In this conversation, Daniel and I go here, there and everywhere in regards to light and how to be healthy. Not one to be missed. Enjoy. 


Connect with Daniel

Daniel IG

Lichtblock IG


Sponsors of the show


The best binder on the market is MasterPeace.

 **Purchase link for  MasterPeace here.** 


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Adam’s Liver Flush Guide

Flush Liver Guide


You can also check us out on Instagram @idealdayadam