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The Ideal Day Podcast

Sep 27, 2022

Keeping hydrated is crucial for health and well-being, but many people do not consume enough fluids each day.

In today’s episode you're going to learn about what the best drinking water is, how bad water affects your health and  your energy levels, but most importantly what you can do to create amazing healthy water for you and your family.

You’ll be shocked what you can find in your standard tap water and bottled waters.. brace yourself! 


Elizabeth Wells | Is Your Liver Health The Secret To Great Health? The Amazing Liver Flush Masterclass

Dr Eric Laarakker & Dolf Zantinge | The Benefits Of Structured Water And Why You Should Be Drinking It

Gerald Pollack | Can The Water You Drink Be Healing? The Benefits Of EZ Water


Adam’s Water Recommendations


Aussie Trace Minerals Supplement

The Analemma Wand to restructure water

Water Distillation System

Berkey Water Filters


Thank you so much for listening and checking out this episode of The Ideal Day Podcast.

You can also check us out on Instagram @youridealday